Downloads available

Tripod mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ200
Mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ200 at 300dpi - do not scale.
tmp fz200.jpeg
JPG Image 491.8 KB
Tripod mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ300/330
mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ300/330 at 300dpi - do not scale
JPG Image 653.6 KB
Tripod mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ80/82
mounting plate template Panasonic Lumix FZ80/82 at 300 dpi - do not scale
Portable Network Image Format 519.2 KB

template for FZ1000 to follow soon.

Recording Video with the Panasonic Lumix Bridge Cameras (updated for FZ80/82)
Recording video with the Panasonic Lumix Bridge Camera
Adobe Acrobat Document 832.6 KB
Camera Mount Adaptors and Speed booster (Focal length reducers)
An explanation of the use of passive mount adaptors, automatic mount adaptors and focal length reducing adaptors.
Lens Mount Adapters.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 335.0 KB
Extension Tubes and Bellows for Close-up Photography
Some further technical information regarding choosing and using extension tubes and bellows with DSLR or mirrorless cameras.
I also discus LED and Xenon Ring Flash units for shadow free lighting.
Extension Tubes and Close Up Photography
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB
All about Lenses and Supplementary Lenses for Close-up Photography
Some further technical information to help with understanding how lenses work, how to chose the correct supplementary lens to enable you to get the image size and working distance that you require for your images.
Adobe Acrobat Document 808.2 KB

The Panasonic Lumix FZ300/330 Beginners Guide Video series PDF booklet (Free Issue)

The Panasonic Lumix FZ300/330 Beginners Guide Video series PDF booklet
The follow along guide for my YouTube video series starting with the pilot episode and now up to episode 4.
Adobe Acrobat Document 8.2 MB
Understanding Exposure - all you need to know to create perfect exposures with your camera.
Some basic guidelines on how exposure is determined by the camera and where and why sometimes these fail to give perfect results.
Some of the techniques to deal with difficult lighting situations.
Richly illustrated throughout the 32 pages.
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.3 MB
Using Flash with the FZ200 and Other Bridge and Mirrorless cameras (updated)
A Comprehensive guide to using the pop up and external flash units with the FZ200 (or other Panasonic cameras) 43 pages.
Using Flash With Digital Cameras - for m
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.4 MB

Video Player with Codecs for all popular video formats including 4K

available in multiple operating systems like Windows, Mac, Android and IOS

copy and paste into your browser

Exposure Triangle Graphic 1
Printable graphic to understand the Exposure Triangle for Manual Exposure
JPG Image 632.7 KB
A sample video from Windows Photo Editor, new in Windows 10
a very short example of some of the effects and options available within the Photos app of Windows 10
photos video demo_Small - Copy.mp4
MP4 Video/Audio File 68.2 MB
My Foam Eyepiece Modification template for FZ200 camera
download and print at 300 dpi to maintain the correct template size
JPG Image 46.7 KB
My Foam Eyepiece Modification template
download and print at 300 dpi to maintain the correct template size
Portable Network Image Format 25.4 KB

Camera and Accessory Guides

A Guide To Using Raynox Close Up Lenses on the FZ200 Camera
A fairly comprehensive look at the selection and use of the Raynox macro lenses that are available for achieving close up images with the FZ200 camera.
Using Raynox.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.8 MB
Understanding the Canon DPP software program
A very useful guide by Andrew Gibson explaining all the functions of Canon's DPP. Although most of the guide is concerned with processing Canon RAW files there is some information which may be of use for those wanting to further process JPEG files from any camera.
Adobe Acrobat Document 19.0 MB
The Panasonic Lumix FZ200 User's Manual eBook format revised 27th April 2014
My eBook first issued on 9th December with minor revisions to web site links and a few typographical errors corrected. 7th January additional typo's corrected and page references corrected.
27th April 2014. Changes made in video section to reflect Apple iMovie and Final Cut Pro now supporting AVCHD 1080p files and added table of Indexes (work in progress!)
FZ200 Users manual_updated.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 24.8 MB
Table of Indexes for the User Guide for those purchasing the hard copy book from Amazon
A first draft of an index for the eBook and hard copy versions. Still a work in progress, however I hope it is useful so far.
table of contents.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 66.6 KB

Hard copy print of the Panasonic Lumix User's Guide available on Amazon

MOBI file download for Kindle e-ink Readers (Kindle Paper White and Kindle DX)

file kindly converted by Josip Medved (  


(copy and paste this link into your browser to download the file)

Download section contains my Hints and Tips cards for the FZ200 Camera

Graham's FZ200 Basic Setup Menu Settings
My recommended setup conditions for all general photography using the FZ200 camera
basic setup fz200.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 304.9 KB
Graham's Camera Tip Card for the FZ200 #1 Nature - Creating a blurred background
How to shoot a subject with a blurred background to emphase your subject
Adobe Acrobat Document 181.1 KB
Graham's Camera Tip Card for the FZ200 #2 Nature - Capturing birds in flight
A description of how to photograph a moving subject and freeze the action
Adobe Acrobat Document 3.3 MB
Graham's Camera Tip Card for the FZ200 #3 Nature - Capturing close up details
A description of how to photograph objects close up to reveal more detail by using close up lenses with the FZ200 See also Accessories #1 for focus distances using close up lenses
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Graham's Camera Tip card for the FZ200 #4 Nature - Capturing the phases of the moon
A description of the set up required to take good, hand held, shots of the Moon
Adobe Acrobat Document 244.6 KB
Graham's Camera Tip Card for the FZ200 #5 Nature - Capturing Autumn Colours
A description of how to set up the camera to emphasise the reds and golds of Autumn foliage
Adobe Acrobat Document 2.5 MB
Graham's camera tip card for the FZ200 #1 Landscapes
A description of how to use the hyperfocal focusing distance to get maximum depth of field in your landscape shots
Adobe Acrobat Document 297.5 KB
Graham's Camera Tip Card for the FZ200. Creative shutter speed (long exposures)
How to create silky water pictures using long time exposures. ND filters are used in situations where ambient light is too hight to achieve the necessary exposure times.
creative 1.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 276.9 KB
Graham's camera tip card for the FZ200. Accessories #1 - Close Up Lens Focus Distances (updated)
A chart showing the farthest and nearest focus distances when using the camera at full zoom. Reducing the zoom reduces the closest working distance and the depth of focus increases
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.2 MB
Graham's Camera Tip Cards for the FZ200, Camera Functions #1 - Manual White Balance
The process of setting manual white balance to accurately record colours in your images.
Adobe Acrobat Document 4.5 MB
Graham's Camera Tip Cards for the FZ200, Camera Modes- Using Manual Exposure
The exposure triangle, and how the inter-relationship of ISO, aperture and shutter speed work together to form the correct exposure
Adobe Acrobat Document 55.0 KB
Graham's camera tip card for the FZ200. General #1 - Festive Lights
A description of how to shoot festive lights without the image looking black or the lights bleached out.
Adobe Acrobat Document 72.8 KB